Saturday, June 30, 2007
Do we keep cats....
... or do cats keep us?
A recent article, linked here, suggests that it was not us who domesticated the cat so many years ago, but the cat who domesticated itself! I can't say I'm surprised-- I mean, ours did teach themselves the litter box, the scratching post (our couch), the water dish, the grooming, and the all-important know-when-to-wake-us-up-for-breakfast tasks. All we really do for them is feed them. Oh, and vacuum when they shed. And Mr. Food takes on the litter box once in a while. For that I am eternally grateful!
-- E of
Friday, June 29, 2007
Now that the Bibliophile is gone...
Anyway, in keeping with the book theme, I'd like to say I just finished Khaled Hosseini's A Thousand Splendid Suns (pretend that's in italics, apparently I wasn't trained in that either!). I was a late-reader of his first book but a convert right away and the second did not disappoint. Go read it.
In keeping with my food-centric blogging, I'd like to say I found these all-natural-organic-blah-blah-blah candy drops at Whole Foods the other day. They're really good. The brand is Yummy Earth. Look past the dopey name and try the variety pack with pomegranate, mango, lemon, and watermelon suckers inside.
Now I'm off to dinner! Mr. Food is cooking tonight.
-- E of
T minus 15 hours
That's the sound of me slowly starting to unwind. Up until about an hour ago I was not so relaxed. But I got home from work, looked over my set of lists (yes, that's right, I have about five), and realized that Book and I are actually closer to being ready to go than I realized. I guess he was right! B has taken to sending me adorable pictures of baby animals every time I send her an email where the subject and body are both "AHHHHHHH!" And I immediately relax and say, "ooh! A baby panda!" or, "ooh! A kitty!" Excellent job on Friend Management, B.
Am I always this strung out before a vacation? Well, not usually *this* strung out, but yes. The big problem in this case is that we'll be gone for TWO WEEKS. And we'll be driving all around and what if there's no food? You know, like, anywhere? I mean, it could happen, right? And what if I don't have enough warm clothing? Or enough cool clothing? What if I run out of books? Or have way too many? (ha ha ha ha ha) What if I forget something Really Important? AHHHH!!
Ok, I feel better now. The good news is that clearly I'm in a Good Place Trip-Wise, or I certainly wouldn't be sitting here blogging. I'd be packing or cleaning or pulling my hair out.
Interesting note: I'm bringing about 8 GB worth of memory cards on this trip. Will it be enough? No, seriously?
In any case, I've lined up two friends of mine to keep y'all entertained while I'm gone: B and E. I think you'll find them as wildly entertaining as I do. Hopefully I'll have a chance to post at least once while I'm gone, but if not, expect a TON of pictures when I return.
UPDATE: I just realized I almost forgot to pack PJs. What else am I forgetting??
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Four qui -- zzzzzzz
However, there is some good:
1. If for some strange reason we had to leave for Maine tomorrow morning, I would be ready. Yes, I am massively over packed at the moment, but I'm packed nonetheless.
2. I've chosen the books I'm bringing on the trip!!
- Stardust, Neil Gaiman
- Shadow and Claw, Gene Wolfe
- Sword and Citadel, Gene Wolfe
- Einstein: His Life and Universe, Walter Isaacson
- The Line of Beauty, Alan Hollinghurst
- A Thousand Splendid Suns, Khaled Hosseini
- Charlotte Sometimes, Penelope Farmer
3. There were two articles I wanted to mention today. The first was a really interesting article about the rash of Jane Austen-related books and movies that have come out and are coming out this summer, including one I reviewed over the weekend: Austenland by Shannon Hale. Another entertaining article today, this one from the NYT Op-Ed page, talks about one author's summer working as a volunteer at the Central Park Zoo. You've all come to "appreciate" my animal obsession, and despite my mixed feelings about zoos, I've sorta kinda always wanted to work in one, so this piece was interesting to me. Has anyone heard anything about the author's book, Zoology?
4. Had dinner with the Tater Tot tonight (it would have been many long weeks until I saw him again!), and learned that apparently he's thinking about naming his stuffed elephant after me. When I said "goodbye, sweetie!" to him as we were parting, he returned "bye sweetie!" Collective: AWWWWWW. Too adorable for words.
And that's all I have energy for now, folks -- I've been up for almost 18 hours!
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
I have to be up in 10 hours
But I am reading a wonderful book right now, Drums, Girls and Dangerous Pie, by Jordan Sonnenblick. Hopefully I'll have time to write more about it before I leave on Saturday, but for now: the voice is amazingly true and laugh-out-loud funny.
Stay tuned.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
It's a "good" kind of stress
I'm actually really excited about this vacation (it's actually two, two, two vacations in one!). The first week we're going up to Bar Harbor with my family to celebrate two milestone birthdays. After realizing how long it had been since Book and I had been on a vacation by ourselves, we decided to just jaunt over to New Brunswick and Nova Scotia the second week, you know, because we were already up there.
I've *always* wanted to explore this region of Canada, and I'm so excited that I'll have the chance to do so this summer! This trip is going to be a whirlwind adventure through two provinces. It'll be just crazy enough to help us decide where we'll want to spend more time during future visits.
What am I looking forward to the most? One word: seafood. I LOVE seafood. And shellfish. Oh, and did I mention that 15 species of whale travel to the Bay of Fundy this time of year? And that I may get a glimpse of some of them? Hopefully by KAYAK?!
But first we need to go buy a compass (because it's THE LAW in NS that you hike with one, it's not just common sense, people!) and a lot of food and wind/waterproof matches and more memory cards (picture-happy Bibliophile on vacation for two weeks = need for a ton of memory) and a new backpack and I'll need about 10 books to last me that long and and and
**Dolphin Stress Test
The picture posted here has 2 identical dolphins in it. It was used in a case study on stress levels at Loma Linda Medical Center.
Look at both dolphins jumping out of the water. The dolphins are identical. A closely monitored, scientific study of a group revealed that in spite of the fact that the dolphins are identical, a person under stress would find differences in the two dolphins. The number of differences observed matches closely to the amount of stress the observer is experiencing.
Look at the photograph and if you find more than one or two differences you may be experiencing stress.
Uploaded by Tidewater Muse on 24 Apr 06, 8.38AM PDT.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Weekend book reviews
TWoLP was by far the most disappointing of the Thursday Next series thus far, and certainly realized my prediction that my patience for Fforde's books was nearing its end. The premise: Thursday next goes to the Well of Lost Plots to hide from her enemies while she's pregnant. The execution: whereas the earlier books in the series were funny and clever, this one seemed trapped by its new setting, as huge chunks of the narrative served only to explain the Well and its inhabitants. The story line itself seemed secondary to the necessary background information at best, and almost an after-thought at worst. From looking at the publication dates of all Fforde's books, it may be fair to say the role of this book was simply to set up his Nursery Crime series. In any case, it was a huge waste of time.
Ditto for Austenland. You may recall I was skeptical about this one from the offset. The premise: a thirty-something Pride and Prejudice fanatic is bequeathed an all-expense-paid vacation to Pemberly Park, a full-immersion Regency Era England experience, by her dead Great Aunt. Her hope is to once and for all rid herself of the Mr. Darcy Fantasy by living in his world for three weeks. The execution: awkward, contrite and formulaic. Shannon Hale's other books are written so beautifully that I'm not quite sure what happened here. Reading Austenland was difficult at times, the language awkward and stumbling. And the reader knows exactly what will happen in the book from the offset. There are no surprises, no twists.
I was pleasantly surprised by the book I read this morning, DiRSWKY. Though this book can only be rightfully described as Brain Candy (it took me less than two hours to read it), shockingly, it had a great message for young adult women. The premise: sixteen year old Kayla is at an art school studying ballet and is denied a plumb roll in the upcoming production of Cinderella because her body doesn't fit the ideal ballerina mold -- she has DD-sized breasts. The execution: Cirrone weaves analysis of the classic versions of fairy tales into the story to make the point that women are expected to change themselves to meet societal and cultural expectations. This is certainly not a new or revolutionary thesis, but definitely one that I think is important to expose adolescent girls to.
Next on the docket for me:
And don't forget, I'm always looking for book recommendations, so don't be shy! Send them along!
Thursday, June 21, 2007
A Note on My Aversion...from B
Truth be told, I am not an animal lover. That said, cats' tails do not bother me in the least (in response to Mr Book's question). Cats' tails do not twitch and have a life of their own. A cat's tail is clearly part of its body. A squirrel's tail seems to take on an other-worldly presence that just reeks of evil.
My problem has become that the more I discuss my deep hatred for these creatures, the more people determine that any time they hear about squirrels in the news, they notify me. When they see a (frankly horrifying) video about a squirrel, they send me the link. And worst yet, when they see squirrel toys, they immediately purchase them for me.
Why is it that the more I discuss my hatred, the more I have to hear about them?
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
More on squirrels
Interestingly enough, I learned last night that it is indeed the squirrel's cute, bushy tail that really sets B off. "What?!" I said, "Their tails? But they're so cute and poofy! And they twitch!" As a shudder ran through her body and she gagged slightly, she replied "yes, that's the problem." Sadly for her, this has only made her aversion that much more amusing to me.
I believe B also holds a special place in hell for flying squirrels, but she should really be commenting on these things herself. Perhaps, if there is interest, I can bring her in as a guest blogger to go into her sciuridaphobia in greater detail. I believe you will all find yourselves as amused as I have grown to be.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Fun with food
This is way cooler than their train or snowman cake pans. Fun!!
Another cute item that they (apparently) sell is this cheese pantry.
What do we think, people, useful or useless? I'm leaning towards the latter due to its status in the 50% off bin alone, but it sure is a cute idea. How nice would it be to have a few cheeses stored out of the fridge where I can happily view them at any time? Where they're free from the prying mouths of insects and (hopefully) mice. Where I can gaze lovingly at them, nibble almost constantly. Slowly gaining weight until I can't fit through the doorway out of the kitchen...Ok, so maybe this wouldn't be such a good idea for me.
Good news?
Your Score: Unaffected
Result: 15. Your score isn't an achievement, it just is.
Psychologist Simon Baron-Cohen and his colleagues at Cambridge's Autism Research Centre have created the Autism-Spectrum Quotient, or AQ, as a measure of the extent of autistic traits in adults. In the first major trial using the test, the average score in the control group was 16.4. Eighty percent of those diagnosed with autism or a related disorder scored 32 or higher. The test is not a means for making a diagnosis, however, and many who score above 32 and even meet the diagnostic criteria for mild autism or Asperger's report no difficulty functioning in their everyday lives.
You scored less than 32. Make your own assessment of that
Monday, June 18, 2007
B says: "Preserving the Devil? Is this necessary?"
Yes, it's a "semi-aquatic rodent." She barfed a little in her mouth (and probably just did, seeing the picture again -- the only thing worse than a picture of a squirrel is a picture of a wet squirrel, or rodent, in this case). Her Aunt, who is now my hero, pasted little pictures of squirrels up all over her bedroom about a month ago, with text bubbles that read things like: "don't hate me because I'm furry!"; "we need to talk"; "I'm just as God made me"; "I'm just like a bunny." Etc etc. Apparently B has only found nine so far, and there are *at least* a couple more lurking somewhere!
E mentioned albino squirrels at our last book group meeting, and immediately I had a plan: I knew that somewhere, somehow I would send B pictures of albino squirrels! With those beady, red eyes and fur as white as a driven snow...How much more devilish could they be?!
Tonight, while searching for more pictures of albino squirrels to use I stumbled across this. Please, click on the link. Really, you want to. The best part: they have a screed!
My prize
Thrilling, is it not? An early history of Smith College written by the school's first president! It has old pictures of the campus, original floor plans of the oldest buildings, and I think possibly an essay by some of the first students about campus life. I can't wait to read through this!
Now I've become inspired to own other Smith-related books. The college has conveniently listed some here. In case anyone is interested in buying me an early birthday present, let's say. Or a late half-birthday present. October 16th, people.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Trip to the middle of the country
I mentioned about a week ago that I had particular animals in mind I wanted to see and capture on film during our trip: the red pandas and sun bears. Last time I had been at this particular zoo the sun bears were not out yet, and the red pandas were sleeping. Well, last week I had partial success: the red pandas were still sleeping, but I got a whole slew of pictures of the sun bear! It's hard for me to choose which ones to show you guys. So I will show a couple:
Look at that cute tongue! This guy was really quite small, and seemed to be enjoying exploring his habitat. I also got a cute picture of two elephants fighting over a stream of water in their exhibit:
Our excitement didn't end there, though. The next day we went to this great conservatory with several interesting biomes filled with beautiful plants and flowers.
One was even filled with butterflies! There was also a beautiful garden outside the conservatory
with a large sculpture I really loved (here are two wee small parts of it):
There were also lots of exciting birds (red winged black birds, common grackles, great blue heron, green heron, cardinals, hummingbirds, just to name a few) and other animals in the backyard (squirrels, chipmunks and HUGE bullfrogs).
All in all, we had a great time!
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Tater Tot
Among the fun things I've taught him to say to date:
- Peace out! (including hand gestures)
- Blue screen of death
- I'm a freak! (this after he was dunking his spaghetti into his water so that the "worms" could "swim") followed just after by, I'm a freak without warning!
- Cute slug! (ah, a kid after my own heart: he thinks slugs are cute too! Well, at least he'll say what I tell him to)
- I love Hugh Jackman! (can you tell I got him to say these last two during the movie?)
- I'm the best toy!
Thursday, June 14, 2007
I'm baaack
Saturday, June 9, 2007
The animals await no picture-taking freak
Well, hopefully some of the ones I bring back this time will be a tad more interesting. These are the new exhibits at the local zoo, and the animals I'm really hoping to get a good look at:
Keep your fingers crossed for me!
In general I'm quite conflicted about zoos. They can be truly depressing places to visit, and it's hard for me to imagine that it's better for an animal to be in a zoo than in the wild. It's hard for me to imagine because it really isn't better. But since we as a species are doing an awful job protecting the habitats of other species, I think zoos are the lesser of two evils as long as:
- The animals are given plenty of space
- Their space is a good representation of their natural habitat
- The animals are kept as wild as possible (to enable #5)
- The zoo does what it can to propagate endangered species
- Once the animal's natural habitat has been protected and restored, the zoo actively participates in releases to the wild (see #3)
- The zoo focuses on educating the next generation of policy makers so that they will enable #5
Thursday, June 7, 2007
This one I'm ordering straight from Amazon! This is the Shannon Hale I've grown to know and love. No one does a fairy tale retelling like Shannon. Well, except for Gail Carson Levine. When's *her* next book coming out?!
There are loads of other authors I've been waiting on. I loved Justine Larbalestier's Magic or Madness Trilogy, and have been eagerly looking forward to her next book. Well, she *just* announced what it is on her blog: The Ultimate Fairy Book, due out Fall 2008. I'll have to wait and see what this one is about to get really excited as the title just isn't doing it for me. Her husband, Scott Westerfeld, wrote a couple series that I loved (Uglies and Midnighters), and *his* new book, Extras, is due out this October.
Markus Zusak wrote my absolute favorite book of 2006: The Book Thief. I am literally beside myself waiting for his next book, but I've heard no news so I assume it will be a while. Please, Markus! Give a girl a break!
Other authors I'm waiting on, and their upcoming books (if known):
- The Sweet Far Thing by Libba Bray (December 2007) -- I've been waiting for the third book in her trilogy since the second one came out in 2005!
- Edith Pattou wrote three amazing books, but I haven't heard a peep about her since. If you haven't read East yet, get thyself to the library!
- Clive Barker and his Abarat Trilogy. The books are worth reading for the illustrations alone! You can see some of them at his website here. I want some of his prints up in my apartment!
- Another installment of An Echo Falls Mystery by Peter Abrahams -- the first two were laugh-out-loud funny.
- Cornelia Funke's Inkdeath, sequel of Inkheart and Inkspell (I'm not sure when the English version will be published, though I believe you can buy it in German)
- Jhumpa Lahiri, Unaccustomed Earth (April 2008)
- Lisa See, Peony in Love (June 2007!!)
- Elizabeth Kostova (fine, I haven't spoken with anyone who's enjoyed her first book, The Historian, as much as I did, but I think she's fabulous)
- A non-graphic novel by Audrey Niffenegger -- how much did I love The Time Traveler's Wife? So much that I'm pretty nervous about this.
Which authors/books are you guys waiting on?
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
As I think I've made clear, Buffy is one of my obsessions. Was I crushed when the show was canceled? Yes. But Joss has proven once again that he's the best, and he's created a season 8 in comic book form. They've been publishing a new issue about every month, and #4 came out today (sadly, I have to wait until AUGUST 1ST for the 5th to come out)! I heard a wonderful rumor that he's thinking about doing an Angel season 6 the same way. Now if he'd only follow suit with Firefly...
As much as I'm enjoying these comic books, I can't help but imagine what this 8th season would have been like in TV-form (one hint: AMAZING, if not insanely expensive). It causes this intense Buffy Nostalgia and is followed by Good TV Nostalgia, which I happen to be quite susceptible to right now, what with Veronica Mars being canceled. And as much as I'm loving these additional seasons, I'd also love a him to start up a new TV series, or to start making movies. There's just not enough Joss to go around!
Job envy
Why why why am I not in publishing? Why am I not a bookseller? Or a writer? Or a librarian? Why?
To all of my various librarian friends: TAKE ME WITH YOU NEXT YEAR! I'll be your valet! Just, please!! Incidentally, the next BEA is May 30 - June 1, 2008. See? Lots of time to decide you want to go and that I should come along! (Incidentally, I hear the American Library Association conferences are pretty similar...I'd go along to that as well!)
In related news, The Bibliophile just hit record highs on the grovel-o-meter. Forecast for tomorrow: grovel levels easing off as we approach the weekend.
Monday, June 4, 2007
Eeny, meeny, miny, mo
- Bang on the ceiling of my living room with a broom or mop handle. Pros: I certainly think I'd make my point, plus there's something classic about a downstairs neighbor conveying displeasure in this way. Cons: My landlords would kill me if the handle went through the ceiling, and there's something distinctly 90-year-old-lady-ish about this option. I am no old lady! Option one seems to be out.
- Write a sweet letter asking the neighbors to "keep their music down." Pros: I *hate* conflict, so this has the benefit of my not having to look my neighbors in the eye when I tell them they're bugging me. Cons: Talk about your cop-out! What am I, a mice or man? Or neither? No, option two doesn't seem to do it for me either.
- Suck it up because it isn't even 10 PM yet. Pros: This option is quite attractive to me as a fundamentally lazy person. Cons: Did I ever mention just how bad my neighbors' taste in music seems to be? I'm not quite sure I can do it justice here. It's a lot to ask for me to sit and listen to this stuff, and it's so loud it's hard to concentrate on much else. Plus, there's nothing quite so annoying as complaining endlessly about something you're not willing to do much about. Hmmm. This option's a toss-up.
- Move. Pros: Actually, this will ultimately be my solution. Once Mr. Book's home renovation is complete, I'll be moving in! Cons: It doesn't look like this will happen until at least the winter. But keep your fingers crossed!
And I've found it to be just as entertaining as The Eyre Affair. What I'll be reading next? I haven't quite decided yet...
Saturday, June 2, 2007
I have some good news and some bad news
The bad news: apparently Cold Blood will be his last major documentary. Say it ain't so! I guess I can find it in my heart to forgive him, though, as he will be 82 when the series is done filming. A guy should get a break from work *sometime*! Check out his impressive biography here.
And don't think for a second I've forgotten to write about the current documentary, Planet Earth. That will happen once I finish the series, and I just watched episode 10 of 14.
Stay tuned.
Mmm, mmmm, dinner
Do you guys have any other quick, tasty and healthy recipes to recommend?