Tuesday, October 2, 2007

For those of you who care about these sorts of thing (I know only one of you who would from my regular readership, but please, let me know if I'm wrong!), go here to nominate your favorite 2007 Children's and YA books for a Cybils Award.


Jackie Parker said...

Hi Bibliophile!

I noticed that you nominated The White Darkness by Geraldine McCaughrean for Cybils YA. It's actually already been nominated. Did you want to pick a different title?

Thanks for nominating AND for writing about it on your blog!

Jackie, YA Cybils Coordinator

The Bibliophile said...

Thanks for letting me know, Jackie! This seems to be my second nomination faux pas as I also tried to nominate a book from 2006...But what's a bibliophile to do?

Unknown said...

Uh, I hate to be the bearer of bad tidings, but I have another one for you. You nominated Book of a Thousand Days in fantasy and science fiction, and it's already been nominated. Do you want to try again? Murphy seems to be hitting you hard today. Sorry!

And I want to echo Jackie's thanks for your support.

The Bibliophile said...

Ok, so for any of you who *do* end up heading over to nominate your favorite book, do a better job than I have!

LibraryChristi said...

I nominated Deadline by Chris Crutcher :)